Beautiful piece of writing.

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Thank you!!

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Oh man I LOVE solo travel, have been doing it forever (when single and in relationships). My latest obsesh has been Namibia and I’ve ‘lone wolf’ travelled five times now. Each and every time I go the car rental people warn me ‘it’s not safe or natural for a woman to drive around Namibia on her own’. So I just go back, alone, out of spite really

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Haha, spite travel! I totally hear that.

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What a fun piece to read! And I can say from many experiences - you are a great travel companion!

love from your mom

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Beautiful writing Diana! Traveling solo used to be the only way I traveled and for years I loved it and couldn't imagine anything different. But lately when I've traveled solo I've found it kind of lonely. I'm not sure if it's because I'm older and I travel differently now or what. When I used to travel it was so easy to meet people. Now it feels like everyone is on their phone, not looking up.

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I don't think I believe you that you don't meet people. Everyone always wants to talk to (at) you!

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Oh right! I forgot that part.

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Great piece, Diana! My story. Moral? Don't forget extra door locks and alarms.


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I was accosted on the street and had my wallet stolen in Amsterdam (two separate incidents) while solo traveling. So I got on a plane and went to Nice, where I met an ex-boyfriend who took good care of me after my ordeal. (I am not above saying it's ok to have a man take care of you, especially when you have been accosted and pickpocketed.) I have never stopped solo traveling.

Great to hear your stories, Diana - I am so sorry for what's going on in Israel.

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Nice to see you here, Jami! I'm also sorry about what's going on. :(

Two incidents in one trip...that's a lot. I'm glad someone was there to take care of you!

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You nailed it! Only women are targeted by the travel industry as "solo travelers" as far as I can tell. And "targeted" has layers of meaning in this case, as you point out here!! This needs a wider audience IMHO.

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Oh, thank you! I would love a wider audience. My marketing skills are embarrassingly limited.

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I've been thinking lately about Portrait vs landscape photos as I've seen so many people holding their phones upright to take photos of things like landscapes and sunsets - things that are probably best photographed landscape - and it's made me realise just how ingrained in us it is now to travel in a way that will be most easily reproducible on instagram or tiktok. At some point, I want to go on a trip with only a film camera (with limited film) to see if that changes how I prioritize what I do and see.

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I think you're so right! I also wonder, though, if we're more present in a way when we're scouring a place for beauty, as opposed to just wandering around lost in thought. I want to see your film photos!

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That's a good point. I think there's also something nice about thinking how best to take a photo of a place so that you can best share it with people you love who can't be there with you.

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Yes, yes, yes!

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Great piece, engaging writing, thank you! I remember also been told on multiple occasions how "brave" I was for travelling alone as a woman ( did they implicitly mean reckless?). As if my activity was unnusual and uncommon... Where was my chaperone? I can hardly imagine my make counterparts getting such comments.

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Oh, the “brave” thing. 🤢 So infantalizing!

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I went backpacking alone for 10 weeks across three countries in West Africa (Benin, Ghana and Burkina Faso) in 1997 and it changed my life. While that was the longest 'solo-trip' to date, I have traveled alone a lot and often prefer it to traveling with others. Although, with the right kind of person, who allows for alone time, I am happy to travel in tandem.

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There are definitely perks to both. I love traveling alone. Then there are moments when I wish I could make someone appear to see what I'm seeing. Then that person could vanish again and I'd be just fine.

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